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About us

Expoberlin setzt Ihre Visionen in wirkungsvolle Präsentationen um. Mit 38 Jahren Erfahrung sorgen wir dafür, dass jedes Projekt einen nachhaltigen Eindruck hinterlässt.

Our philosophy

Fascination, collaboration and responsibility are the pillars on which we base our thinking and actions. We love innovative solutions and produce in-house. We shape the future together at eye level with our customers.

Circular Economy

Von der Idee bis zur Umsetzung setzen wir auf Kreislaufwirtschaft: materialarm, wiederverwendbar und energiebewusst. Wir bieten kundenspezifische Erlebnisräume sowie Sharing- und Mietmodelle, um Einsätze zu minimieren und Erfolge zu maximieren. Ressourcenschonende Kennzahlen unterstützen uns dabei, Prozesse umweltfreundlich zu optimieren.
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Berlin Tiergarten

Local first

Local first - Mit unserer neuen Philosophie haben wir uns zu einem nachhaltigen Inbound-Fokus in Europa entwickelt, mit Schwerpunkt im Großraum Berlin. Unser Ansatz minimiert den CO2-Fußabdruck, spart Zeit und Ressourcen und gewährleistet umweltbewusste Projektqualität.

Our history

Next, you share all relevant project data, including previous designs, floor plans and CI material. We use this valuable information to create a visual workspace, the central hub for our collaboration.

Work with us

We are always interested in new talents who would like to contribute and expand their skills to our company - whether in the workshop, warehouse, assembly, customer service, reception or office. We owe our many years of experience and the resulting successes to extremely committed and good employees. That is why we maintain organisational structures that allow us to develop teams , as well as individual support.

Unfortunately we do not have any vacancies at the moment, but we are always happy to receive unsolicited applications. On this page you can get an insight into our company , as well as our workshops.


We are always interested in new talents who would like to contribute and expand their skills to our company - whether in the workshop, warehouse, assembly, customer service, reception or office. We owe our many years of experience and the resulting successes to extremely committed and good employees. That is why we maintain organisational structures that allow us to develop teams , as well as individual support.

Unfortunately we do not have any vacancies at the moment, but we are always happy to receive unsolicited applications. On this page you can get an insight into our company , as well as our workshops.


Tischler (M/W/D)

Für den Zuschnitt, CNC Bearbeitung, Montage, Reinigung, Verpackung und Versand suchen wir eine/n Wegbegleiter als qualitätsbewusste/n Produktionsmitarbeiter/in mit folgenden Fähigkeiten:

  • Enthusiasm for new ideas
  • Class B driving licence
  • Manual dexterity
  • Technical understanding
  • Attention to detail
  • Flexibility in thought and action

Fitter (M/F/D)

Für die Montage und Demontage sowie die Endfertigung suchen wir eine/n qualitätsbewusste/n Monteur/in mit folgenden Fähigkeiten:

  • Enthusiasm for new ideas
  • Class B driving licence
  • Manual dexterity
  • Technical understanding
  • Attention to detail
  • Flexibility in thought and action
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Schreiben Sie uns

We welcome digital and personal contact - as well as hearing about your vision. Whether you are close by or far away, we are here for you.


expoprojects KG
Frankfurter Straße 1
​14979 Großbeeren

Office hours

Monday - Friday
08:30 - 17:00
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